A New Concept of Medical Devices
Revolutionizing the Sepsis diagnostics
Nanological is a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the biggest public research institution in Spain, focused on the pathogen identification devices. We are a highly interdisciplinary team of physicists, biologists, data scientists, finance and business development experts and clinical validation specialists with wide experience in biosensing. We believe that only by the combination of different disciplines it is possible to push the limits of current technologies.

An unsolved problem.
Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming response to infection which can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and, eventually, death in few hours. Unlike other diseases, there is no one test for sepsis testing. Any infection (bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic), can trigger sepsis, which can lead to severe sepsis and septic shock, where the survival rate depends on a quick reaction. However, it is currently diagnosed based on secondary tests like blood culture, which can take several days to get the results. There is a need for new diagnostics methods that allow the rapid identification of the pathogens causing the infection in order to avoid the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Our Technology
Fast. Sensitive. Accurate.
Nanological technology is based on the combination of different approaches for a common objective: the fast Sepsis diagnostics. By combining our expertise in physical science and technologies with the fascinating possibilities offered by data science we are able to achieve unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy in the pathogen detection. In that sense, we have combined optics, nanomechanics and machine learning obtaining a new concept of medical devices.

Blanca Caballero
- PhD in Physics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
- Master in Data Analytics in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA).
- She is currently the responsible of the trading portfolio in the data analytics hub of Repsol S.A.

Daniel Ramos
- PhD in Physics (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
- Distinguished Researcher in Instituto de Micro y NanotecnologÃa del CSIC, focused on the light-matter interaction on the nano scale.
- Autor of more than 40 articles in international magazines of recognized prestige. Additional has been granted with 5 international patents and is a member of different societies international scientists.

José Francisco Caballero
-Â Executive Master in Finance Management.
- More than 40 years  of experience working in finance.
- He has been CFO during 20 years in a chemical & medical multinational.

Ana Isabel Ramos
- More than 10 years of experience in the pharma industry working in administrative section of clinical research area in RocheFarma, MSD and GSK laboratories.
- Specialist in official documentation of the AEMPS and the different CEIMs* and management of safety documentation (DSUR, PSRIs, IBs, Protocols, Patient Information Sheets-Informed Consents)

Spin-off from National Spanish Research Council (CSIC)